Saturday, June 4, 2011

Shunshine shandwitch

So it's finally sunny outside!!
And I'm stuck inside at the library's computer lab so I can get good grades on my finals this quarter.

Be proud.

It's rather difficult to sit inside though. The sunshine is just teasing me though the window. All warm and glowy.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Summer shoes.
New shoes. Probably one of the greatest things EVER. 
Seriously they make my life so much better. 
Whenever I get new shoes all I can think about is where they'll travel. Where they'll take me. What adventures we'll have.  These Chaco's are expected to take me to New Orleans this summer. I'm fairly stoked. I wonder where else we'll go.... 

I know some of you are probably thinking I'm a total loon for being so excited about new shoes, but I just take that to mean you've never really thought it through. They go wherever you go. They take your feet there safely. Over hard pavement, dusty roads, broken glass and soft grass.
They deserve a little respect.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Oh Canada.

I've decided I love Vancouver.

I wish I could live there.
But it's one of the most expensive cities in the WORLD!
But it's easy to see why.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


On Thursday of this week my Mom and sister will be traveling from Denver, Colorado to Bellingham, Washington to see me! I'm so excited, especially since I didn't get to see them as much as I would have liked over spring break.  So i'm busy trying to plan where to take them.

I think we'll probably go to Canada. I'm thinking the Vancouver Aquarium would be sweet, since they have Beluga whales.
On saturday i want to take them to:
  • The Farmers Market
  • Taco Lobo
  • Man Pies
  • The boardwalk/ Woods Coffee if it's nice out 
So cross your fingers for warm and sunny weather!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happiness is a warm..

With the last few posts I've noticed a tone of sadness, ache and allover melancholy. My next thought was, "I should do a happy post!"
But it's hard to do a post about happiness, when you're not happy.
That's not to say I'm depressed. that's not it. I'm just... not happy.
Maybe it's the lack of sunshine.
Maybe it's the stress from school.
Maybe it's because I miss my family and boyfriend more then anything right now.

So I decided to list the things that make me feel happy.

1) A good book
2) Cuddling with Alexander
3) debating with my Dad
4) A warm cup of hot chocolate
5) A fire in the fireplace on a cold night
6) a funny conversation with good friends
7) Organic mint Chocolate chip ice cream
8) Getting a letter
9) Random texts from people important to me
10) Finding $$ in my coat pockets
11) clean sheets
12) A long hot shower
13) fuzzy socks
14) Batman. anything Batman.
15) My white Fencing hoodie
16) My pony
17) flowers (specifically dragon-snaps or sunflowers)
18) a juicy orange or even better! Raspberries! (Organic of course)
19) A good pen to write letters with
20) My Happy Clam playlist on my iPhone

It's not nearly a full list, but it's a good start. In fact i think i'll enact #4, 11, 12,13, 15 and 20 when I get back to the apartment tonight.

Oh and Mustache's... they make me happy too... 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gypsy Soul

Colder Weather  < -- Click This

This song means so much to me.
For many reasons.
I feel like I was born for leaving. To travel. To change my surroundings.
I'm a runner.
Somedays I hate myself for it. Really, deeply regret the fact that I have a need to move my life.
I wonder if I'm just afraid to let myself be happy.
But them I'm always called back.

So for now I just sing this song as loud as I can. And decide to focus on the good in my life.

"It's a shame about the weather. But I know soon we'll be together. And I can't wait 'til then."
Alexander and I. <3

Friday, March 11, 2011


Today was one of those days.
You can taste the tension on the sea air. Like an extra salt.
The massive earthquake that devastated Japan today really hit home for me when Bellingham was put on tsunami advisory. Knowing that we wouldn't actually see any damaging effects here in the Ham, I had to turn my concern else where.

Saki, was a girl that stayed with me last year at WWU. She's from just outside of Tokyo. Getting to know her was highlight of my college career. I hope with everything I am that her, and her family are safe.

Left to right: Meghann, Saki and Me.
On Saki's last weekend we went to Boulevard Park and enjoyed each others company in the sunshine.
My thoughts and prayers go out to those subject to the tragedy occouring in Japan.